CVI is an international operating management systems certification body.
is accredited for management systems certification by the SNAS which is recognised by the IAF. It assures global acceptance of CVI certificates. CVI is also a member of IRACAB;
utilises experts experienced in companies of European and worldwide significance;
has increasingly become increasingly popular with managers and personnelstaff of certified organisations, and applicants for certification by its pragmatic and highly cultivated approach to assessment and certification.
All requests for information, all appeals and complaints related to the certification activities within the responsibility of CVI, s.r.o. (in the following "CVI") shall be submitted in writing to the address of:
CVI, s.r.o. MPČĽ 3170/31 058 01 Poprad Slovakia
Or to the e-mail address:
CVI provides upon request information about:
geographical areas in which it operates;
the status of a given certification;
the name, related normative document, scope and geographical location (city and country) for a specific certified client.
Current information about the accreditation scope can be acquired on request. Other publicly available information can be found on this web site.
After assessment of legitimacy of the appeal/complaint, CVI informs the appellant/complainant, if possible, about acceptance or declining the appeal /complaint. On request, CVI provides the appellant/complainant with progress reports and that of outcome at a suitable time.
CVI determines, together with the client and the complainant, whether and, if so to what extent, the subject of the complaint and its resolution shall be made public. If agreement is not reached, CVI decides unilaterally.
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